Courier Service


Bonded Courier Service guarantees same day delivery and courier services whether medical laboratory, legal firm, small business, aviation, or fortune 500.


Bonded Courier offers same day courier and delivery services options to meet all needs: route courier, inter-office courier, local and long distance deliveries.

Bonded Courier service is designed to courier and deliver same day in West Palm Beach, Stuart, Vero Beach, Melbourne, Orlando, Tampa, and all of Florida.

Same Day Delivery and Courier Service
Per Diem Courier Service (Flat Rate)*
On-Call Pick-Ups, Rush Deliveries
Scheduled Distribution Services

Scheduled Daily Route Courier Service
Local Courier, Long Distance Delivery
Multiple Locations Pick-up Delivery
Inter-office and Lab Courier service

High Volume Distribution Courier Service
Distribution or Dedicated Delivery Routes
Request for Proposals Local or Statewide
Professional Courier Service Company

 Cargo Van, Truck & Lift Gate upon request
Airport Courier (PBI FLL MCO TPA MIA)
Experienced, Reliable Certified Drivers
Airports inbound and outbound

Bonded Courier is INSURED, LICENSED, BONDED, HIPAA, OSHA, Blood Borne Pathogen, TSA Trained Drivers & Dangerous Goods Certified

Servicing West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Stuart, Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach, Melbourne, Orlando, Tampa, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, and all of Florida.

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